Category: Self Improvement

The Science of Gratitude

WHAT IS GRATITUDE? Often, when we’re chasing our goals, we’re focusing on the things we want, as in the things we don’t have. Gratitude is simply the act of being grateful, of being thankful and of recognizing what we have instead of what we don’t have. It refocuses us and puts

How to Spark Joy in Your Life

So, in the last post, we established that resolutions are pointless. It’s in the root word. They’re resolute. One screw up and a resolution is done. Goals, on the other hand, are actionable steps that gradually take us to where we ultimately want to be.  That’s what we’re heading –

Why New Year’s Resolutions Set us up for Failure

Let’s skip the resolutions this year. I know, to some, this idea may seem downright sacrilegious. It’s tradition to have a New Year’s resolution, otherwise how will we improve ourselves? Aren’t lack of resolutions for lazy people who are happy living mediocre lives?  No. Absolutely not. In fact, the exact

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy and You Looking Younger

When your skin shines, there’s no need to cover it up. This is me at 47, no make up, no filters, just my natural skin after using Grace & Balance products for four months and I feel more confident in my skin than ever. I started Grace and Balance Skincare

SLEEP: The Ultimate Self-Care

When we’re short on time during the day, it’s tempting to carve into sleep time to get it all done. But before you give up those Z’s, there are some important things about sleep you should know. Sleep isn’t a passive activity. During sleep your body and brain are hard

How to Recover from Holiday Burnout

The Holiday Hangover. We’ve all felt it. That worn out, flu-like feeling after the holidays. Yeah. That’s your adrenals. The brain fog, the tiredness, the food cravings, possibly depression or anxiety and sometimes even joint pain or diarrhea – it’s all your body letting you know that you’re doing too

The Art of Scruffy Hospitality

There’s this thing called scruffy hospitality, where you invite your friends over, you don’t pick up your house, everyone brings a leftover dish or some cheese and crackers and you just hang out and enjoy each other. That’s the way to live life.  Scruffy hospitality means you’re not waiting for everything in

Are Your Self-Paradigms Keeping You From Happiness?

par·a·digm noun A self-paradigm is the ways we look at ourselves and the world around us. It’s the lens through which we make sense of our experiences and assign motivation to other’s actions. It’s basically a set of mental glasses we see the world through. But what if those glasses

How to Say NO (and still keep your friends)

It sounds so simple.  It’s a two-letter word. It’s one of the first words we learn, and as children, we use it constantly.  But as we get older, no becomes more difficult to say. As we develop things like empathy and a sense of how our actions impact others, no

Turning Off the News

There are countless things I learned from my therapist, but the biggest one for me at the beginning of my anxiety journey was learning to turn off the news. I was becoming overwhelmed by what was going on in the world and I was being crushed under the weight of